Nadia Shira Cohen

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Where Reindeer are a way of Life


  • The New York TimesWhere Reindeer Are A Way Of Life
  • AnnabelleTote Rentiere In Venedig
  • The New York TimesFront Page



The Sami people, the only recognized indigenous group in Europe who inhabit the area of northern Norway, Sweden, Finland, and the oblast peninsula of Russia are perhaps best known for their traditional livelihood of reindeer herding. Although in Norway the Sami were granted rights and protections to their ancestral land to herd reindeer, their livelihood is being threatened by energy and mining projects as well as restrictions on their herd population by the Norwegian government, siting overgrazing on the tundra as their objective for regulating the reindeer population. Herders such as Jovsset ante Sara and the Eira family have challenged the government as well as industrial companies in an effort to preserve their way of life.

Where reindeers are a way of life-1
Built by Emiliano Pallini